星期三, 十月 19, 2005

An ambitious plan!


下个月要给一个baby talk,给这里的人们介绍R。感觉象大学里开交谊舞扫盲班一样。:P 开始做slides的时候很郁闷,要从object programming讲起,猴年马月才能讲到R的神勇无敌呀?!请大家原谅我的神经不正常。如果你们经受3个月以上STATA的折磨还能保持平和的心态,而不觉得R是世界上最可亲的statistical language的话,我觉得那已经是佛的境界了。而我现在连个小沙弥都算不上,离佛就更远了,所以神经不正常一下是可以原谅的。slides做到快结尾的时候,从R website上看到已经有好几个领域有specialized application with R,突然想到自己真是个蠢才!既然如此痛恨STATA,为什么不自己做一个象bioconductor那样的package专门做epidemiology data analysis?有了这个主意之后,异常兴奋。虽然肚子饿得咕咕叫,可是四个月漫长的boring data analysis以来,终于有了这个除了去加纳出差最让我兴奋的idea,肚子叫就让它叫去吧,我一定得在把这个宝贵的idea忘掉之前赶紧把它记下来!:)

8 条评论:

匿名 说...
Jack Sparrow 说...


还有,删广告的时候可以选permanent delete,更干净

冬梅 说...

Lao ye told me the blog site. :) Thanks for the tips, I will try it on the next one!

匿名 说...

匆匆看了一眼"What's R"的介绍。奇了怪了,怎么Bell lab发明了这么多语言啊。。。

匿名 说...

Great idea. I'll write it down for you. Haven't decided on a name, anonymous for the moment. Guess who I am?

冬梅 说...

Good lord! This will be absolutely a wild guess. Let me see.....

hmmm... Since you can appreciate how great this idea is, :)))))))))) I guess you must be from Hopkins Biostat. Not many people there know this blog, and most of the people who know this blog do not comment it as annoymous, so it is very likely that you are twin. :P I would like to bet it with probability 0.95. :))))))))

Am I right?

冬梅 说...

About the other anonymous, :) I have a clear bet too.

Since it is not very likely that my non-statistician friends would become so interested in R that they would bother to check out what R is, you must be someone who also do a lot of programming. I guess you are ITJY la. :))))))))

Am I right again?

Jack Sparrow 说...

I think you are right for the first one. It sounds absolutely like her. But hey, you can't be twin to two different people! That's called triplets