星期二, 二月 21, 2006

Help from friends



于是我又给Edward打了电话。也许在别人看来我有一些很奇怪的朋友。Edward是虔诚的基督徒。我这样一个反动的宗教异端能够有这样的朋友多少是有点怪异的,而且我认识Edward的时候他就已经是基督徒了。我想他能够一直容忍我的“邪恶”是需要很大的耐心的吧。我想问问有虔诚信仰的人如何回答我的问题。Of course, Edward said "the only answer is God." 但是除了这个标准答案之外,他终于也给了我一些切实的安慰。我能够听进去的话包括,“Because all those meaningless, when put together, will make sense, just like a jigsaw puzzle. we as human only see the part of the picture, not the big one.”

然后Jack也上网了。Science出身的人思考问题就理智多了。“I support you to do things under the condition of your own safety though. It is courageous to forget about ones own situation about but it is not the best strategy. ”“This is a dark age. We've seen it in history and we know it will come back again. But I still believe it will improve. It's dark in today's standard but the standard is improving too.”“The world is composed of all different people. I find my peace in knowing that i am trying my little efforts in doing things I believe to be right or good, not that have I done everything possible. ”

感谢这些朋友的帮助!他们总是能在我需要帮助的时候,be right there。
