星期四, 八月 08, 2019

Is tomorrow free?

豆豆问了这个问题不下二十遍了,可是我不明白她是什么意思,更不用说回答了。我要求她用中文讲,或者换一种说法,她固执的说,I don’t know how to say it in Chinese. Everybody knows what free means. 同样的事情以前发生过,但是最后都以两个人怒吼结束。今天我终于做到了没有怒吼,但是并没解决问题,最后我还是不明白豆豆在问什么,她坚持了十几分钟不了了之了。这算是正确解决方式吗?

4 条评论:

wave 说...

一般我会跟进“free from what?", “do you mean free time to do something?", or "do you ask me whether I'm free from work tomorrow?" etc. 我们家这位中英文混在一起用,有时候表达不清楚或者错位,需要提问跟进,他才能说清楚。

inchigh 说...

"固执"这个标签贴在豆豆身上是不太适合的。豆豆是我们家里4个人离“固执”最远的一个人了。我觉得我可以试着have a conversation with her,而不是急呼呼地要有个答案或让她闭嘴😄,例如:
are you asking me or someone else?
Oh, tomorrow is free for me
You don't anything planned for tomorrow
You will have a piano class, other than that nothing planned
tomorrow is free for all be-cau-se we don't need to pay to have tomorrow
do you have any idea or plan for tomorrow?
I was actually not sure how to answer your question. If next time you want to know ...., maybe you can ask this way .... So I can understand your questions clearly. Would you please?

冬梅 说...


wave 说...

大人心里着急而失去一个有趣的对话,真的就是这样啊。 爸爸妈妈意识到这个问题,就可解的。:)