星期四, 二月 08, 2007



11 条评论:

匿名 说...

Finally, the winter kick in from late Jan to now. We got 1-2 inches snow yesterday, just the right amount to keep the winter promise. :-)) The only problem is the chilly weather, freezing cold.

正月里闹花灯光 - 好兆头 !! Happy Chinese New Year! Spring Festival, 拜早年!

Take care, London Bear ! :-))

匿名 说...

Forgot to sign. Pain.

Y.H. from Baltimore

匿名 说...



冬梅 说...

没说“我怕冷,只躲在家里幻想一下就好了”吗?:) 当然不是我拍的,网上download的啦。

冬梅 说...


匿名 说...


匿名 说...

想念london ......so much.....

匿名 说...

btw, 你一个人写3个blog还不同的风格。。。。。。。太那个什么high productivity了。。。。要那个什么随便写流水账的怎么活啊。。。。。

btw, 把我归到UK friend好开心哦~~~ My heart always belongs to London~~~~

匿名 说...

School is closed today, for slippery icy condition due to snow.

Suppose the very first faculty meeting of this semester is scheduled today. When I called front office, other people's office to see whether the meeting is still on or not. No one pick up the phone, or nobody is in. 正当理由不去上班! :-)))

匿名 说...

God answer trouble's specific prayer in Maryland.

冬梅 说...
