星期四, 七月 27, 2006

I am going to retire in 2 years! Oh, wait, maybe 7 ....

I got my P60 End of year certificate today. It is like the W2 form in US. I am so happy to find out my OFFICAL date of birth is 29 Feb., 1948. Since by law in UK, people could retire at age of 60 years, I will only need to work for two more years!!! What a great news!

After a second glance, I found that's too rush a conclusion I made. I am actually a male on the offical record of Inland Revenue Office. So I'd need to work for 7 more years. Well, that's not too bad comparing to what I have anticipated. I shall start to search for a nice place for retirement now. Not much time left for me.... Maybe a lovely small town on the sunny coast of Spain? hmmm...

7 条评论:

Jack Sparrow 说...

do you get a pension??? that's the key!

Jack Sparrow 说...

Woody Allen once said "If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name in a Swiss bank."

A retirement plan in 7 years is not too bad either. gegewu, this is the test to see if you are hardcore atheist!

Jack Sparrow 说...

test for the handicap sign: if your vision is challenged you can click the sign, you will hear a voice reading numbers. Entering those will also do the verification trick.

冬梅 说...

I do get a pension, a quite poor one though.

冬梅 说...

And I am a hardcore atheist, as you always know. :))) So this sign from God won't work.

匿名 说...

that's...funny! did you make sure they AT LEAST got your name right?

冬梅 说...

Yes, they did get my name right! :))))))))))