星期一, 六月 18, 2007


Dear All

British Nepal Medical Trust is a charity who work with the poorest in Nepal to improve their health and health access. They conducted a baseline survey of health and socio-economic circumstances a few years ago. They would now like to conduct a follow up study. They require a person with design and statistical skills to advise them with this. They do not have money to pay the person but it would almost certainly involve a paid trip to the field in Nepal. If you are interested please contact Dr XXX who is copied in to this message.

This message expires in 7 days


我很想去Nepal,可是我对conduct a survey of health and socio-economic circumstances已经完全不感兴趣了。我不能昧着良心只为了这个旅行的机会而take this offer,所以还是放弃了。两年了,人就是这么蜕变的。

10 条评论:

匿名 说...


匿名 说...

啊?尼泊尔你都放弃?要是我,放弃一切去非洲的机会也决不放弃这个. 你其实就是走太多了,现在想歇会儿了。不过,这可是尼泊尔啊!暴殄天物啊。

我们现在做的多少事情是真正自己喜欢的。就算是喜欢的,做上个一两年还有激情的就更稀少。再想想吧,反正我不觉得你是昧着良心去的,就算和大多publich health的project一样是烧钱,这钱至少是烧在Nepalese身上了啊。

匿名 说...


冬梅 说...


冬梅 说...

Trouble,要不你去吧。我给你contact person detail。这活让你干,还不是小菜一碟。尼泊尔那边听说来了个哈佛的薄厚,还不得美得跳起来有珠峰那么高。呵呵。

冬梅 说...


匿名 说...

你可得醒着!你要是睡着我们全成你梦出来的了,你一醒我们全得灰飞烟灭 (这个成语念快了很乱哦,让我想起那个化肥化灰的绕口令)

匿名 说...


匿名 说...

哥, 反正也是错念, 你还不如写成狒狒湮灭呢

匿名 说...

compare to Antarctica, Nepal is much more accessible. You can fly from Beijing, Shanghai, or HK to Kathmandu. I am dreaming to go one day...