星期三, 五月 02, 2007

upcoming travel plans

1. 6-13 May, Turkey (vacation)
2. 23-29 May, Amsterdam (conference)
3. 19 June - 3 July, Gambia (work trip)
4. 28 July - 2 August, Greece (conference)
5. 3-5 August, Greece (extended vacation after the conferece)

Jack, Trouble, and Twin, 你们三响应了我那个i'm的号召。我可以在六月份去Gambia的时候兑现我的诺言了!:) 不过,Jack and Twin,你们俩如果已经不待见非洲的土特产了,我可以去土耳其的时候踅摸点儿啥别的好玩的东西给你们。Trouble,这个option当然对你也适用,但是你还没得着过非洲的啥礼物呢,而且你说你还挺喜欢我上次寄回Hopkins的那些木雕的,Gambia也有卖的。你想要冈比亚的礼物还是土耳其的礼物,自个权衡吧。:) 大家记得在我出发之前给个准信儿。

5 条评论:

匿名 说...


匿名 说...

OMG, Girl!! Your schedule are truly fully loaded! 流口水先!

Greece is one of my dream countries to visit! Please, take me with you on the trip. For me, there is no hope for my European trip to take place in the recent 4 years. Desperate housewife + exhausted teacher = my life in speculation.

Would you mind picking something handy for me from Greece? Many thanks, girl.

冬梅 说...



冬梅 说...

YH, I will keep an eye on handy stuff in Greece.

匿名 说...


为了平衡我失落的心,我决定也出国--下月去纽约的联合国。到时给你寄UN的postcard and stamp--那邮票和邮戳可都是UN独有的。