星期三, 五月 22, 2019

The 3rd day


辞职之前注册了coursera的一门课,Financial Market. 但是一直没时间开始,今天终于上了第一课。非常有意思的几段话:

So, you may be a young person who's thinking about getting started in life. But when you join a enterprise or an organization, you have to do things for the organization and you have to take a different perspective. You have to help manage a productive venture that involves many people. So there aren't that many things that you can do as an individual that are useful, (这句话对我打击好大)you have to join an organization. This is a fundamental principle of human life. So this is a course about understanding how the the institutions work and how we can predict what will happen.
Unless you go into academia, you will get a job somewhere in the real world. @you_know_who_I_am_talking, you are not living in a real world. :)))) 
The problem with finance is a high inequality in this field. Some people make a lot of money, but on the other hand, you have to give it away. This is another thing about this course. If you make a lot of money in finance, it's a game, you enjoyed it, now give most of it away – that's going to be a theme.

另外上这门课的时候想起来辞职前大咪撺掇我干的另外一件事情,在网上教课。大咪戏称自己像个推妈,希望能把自己想做但是没机会尝试的事情都在我身上实现。有这么一个推妈,我想懒成熊孩子真的是要很努力才行。在网上教课这件事我也很有兴趣做,有两个题目可以考虑,一是统计入门,二是药物研发过程中的统计应用。然后我自己还想利用这段时间好好看看FDA guidance on early drug development. 我自己刚开始到制药公司上班的时候曾经想过做一个类似podcast的东西,每期讲一个药的研发史,从其中能学到什么经验教训,等等。这件事在Gilead的时候开了个头,只刚找了两个我自己想要研究的药,然后就换工作去忙得要命的Acerta了,以后这件事就没了下文。大咪鼓动我在网上教课的时候又想起了这个几年前的主意,现在应该有时间了,是不是要把这项“事业”也列到跳伞计划里去?

