星期五, 三月 10, 2006


近来打算买一个新的相机。我原来的Canon Powershot A95回国的时候给老爸了。征询了几个爱好摄影的人,大家给我的建议包括Panasonic Lumix FZ30/Canon Powershot Pro1/Canon S2 IS /Canon EOS 350D,比较了各个相机的review之后觉得还是买个DSLR性能价值比比较高。可是还是挺犹豫的,不好下这个决心。我对摄影的爱好没有狂热到发烧的地步,对自己的摄影技术也没有啥过高的期望,买个DSLR回来如果只是为了5分钟的热情,岂不是明珠投暗了?再说,我这样半瓶醋都够不上的摄影技术挂着个DSLR出门,不是让人笑话二两醋配了两斤螃蟹吗?我到底该不该买350D呀?爱发言的都给我出出主意。多谢多谢!

5 条评论:

匿名 说...

个人觉得还是可以买那螃蟹的,关键是相片的效果出来就不一样,你也在我那里看见啦。然后呢,有个好相机会琢磨着照相这回事儿,还是挺好玩的。至少机会在那儿去啦,愿不愿意玩,玩的水平高不高另当别论, 那是可以慢慢培养的。 值不值关键在于你高兴不高兴。:) 我买相机那会儿有个deal, 可是还是比化妆品贵,不过我义无反顾的就跳水了,比买化妆品的时候爽快不是一倍, 其实当时很拮据了一阵。:P


冬梅 说...



匿名 说...

My opinions:
(1)Yes, I highly recommend you to have a DSLR. Even though passion and curiousity are much more important than skills and equipments, you still need a good camera (and lens) to offer yourself better chance to capture things.

(2) On lens: you can start with zoom, say Canon 28-105mm. I used it for almost four years and it covered my 85% shots. And I have quite a few decent pictures with it. Really a decent and convenient choice at its price (around $220-250).
Later you can choose to have a telezoom (over 200mm), but currently not. Since you will need a tripod to hold the telezoom most of the time. And this can reduce the fun of photography when you first start.

(3) Get a polarizer, or at least an UV filter.

(4) Sharpen your eyes and be alert on images as much as possible. A lot of fun.

冬梅 说...

trouble,多谢鼓励。我的兴趣主要是拍moving target和景色。什么样的镜头合适?

匿名 说...

I have very limited experience with moving target, and my primary focus is on landscape.

For landscape, I do think Canon 28-105mm (f/3.5-4.5) USM is a decent choice at its price (for beginners). With the 1.6* effect of DSLR, actually it covers 44-163mm.

Here is a good review of it:
(remember, the aperture is 3.5-4.5, not 4-5.6, they are different).

Don't choose the kit lens Canon S 18-55mm, it has problems with automatic focus.

For moving target,I am not sure, but as long as you have good light, and not too fast moving target (hopefully), you will be fine with most customer-end lens.

You can ask Darmy's brother for more suggestion, he is an expert on equipments.