8 Oct. 2005 Hohoe
Not much for today!
上午从10:00AM工作到2:00PM,lunch break 2:00PM-3:00PM,午饭很好吃!下午从3:00PM工作到6:00PM。5点之后天渐渐黑了,不停的断电。5:30PM之后彻底停了。昨天Anna请了我们的司机,Dan,今天和我们一起吃晚饭,没有成行。Anna和我想去town里吃晚饭,我们不想一天到晚老呆在旅馆里,这样对当地的生活一点了解也没有。於是我们请Dan带我们去试试当地的风味。旅馆里虽然吃得好,但是都是标准的西餐,早饭toast & Spanish Oemlet,午饭spaghetti,这样的东西哪里都有,干嘛要千里迢迢地跑到非洲来吃。Anna想Dan一定对Hohoe很熟悉,而且我们两个谁都不会讲Ewe (local language),连问人家要什么都不知道,请Dan和我们一同去会方便很多。
Margaret said to Dan, "I heard you are going to bring them out for dinner. Where do you plan to go?"
I was a little embarrassed, and could defintely feel the awkward position we pushed Dan into, to back him up a little bit, I said:"We didn't plan to go anywhere special, we just want to explore the town."
Margaret said:"I think this is the only decent place to eat in town."
Anna said:"We should have also invited her to go with us, instead of asking Dan alone."
"I don't understand it."
"because of the hierarchy ......"
"but she is so busy, we don't want to bother her with everything and take up all her time, it is like she is baby-sitting us!"
"Margaret won't think so. Maybe we are too independent."
"Could it be that she is being so considerate that she doesn't want us to get diarrhea by eating on the street?"
"Well, Dan will come back. Let's see."
Anna is right, as always.
我觉得很对不起Dan,我们一定给他惹麻烦了,让他的上司不高兴。Faint! 我想我一定是这么多年读书读傻了,压根儿就没想到过还会有这样微妙的机关。