星期二, 六月 28, 2005
12 tips from junior employees to senior managers.
I found this in the kitchen besides my office. :)))))
12 tips from junior employees to senior managers.
How to enhance their relationship:
1. Never give me work in the morning. Always wait until 5:00 and then bring it to me. The challenge of a deadline is always refreshing.
2. If it's really a "rush job," run in and interrupt me every 10 minutes to inquire how it is going. That greatly aids my efficiency.
3. Always leave without telling anyone where you're going. It gives me a chance to be creative when someone asks where you are.
4. If my arms are full of papers, boxes, books or supplies, don't open the door for me. I need to learn how to function as a paraplegic and opening doors is good training.
5. If you give me more than one job to do, don't tell me which is the priority. Let me guess.
6. Do your best to keep me late. I like the office and really have nowhere to go or anything to do.
7. If a job I do please you, keep it a secret. Leaks like that could cost me a promotion.
8. If you don't like my work, tell everyone. I like my name to be popular in conversation.
9. If you have special instructions for a job, don't write them down. In fact, save them until the job is almost done.
10. Never introduce me to people you're with. When you refer to them later, my shrewd deductions will identify them.
11. Be nice to me only when the job I'm doing for you could really change your life.
12. Tell me all your little problems. No one else has any and it's nice to know someone is less fortunate.
Actually, I started reading from bottom up and thought that people in this school were really humorous. Then I went to the top of the page. I felt colder and colder while I was moving down. How am I going to survive here??? This reminded me about the video clips that Steve Goodman shot for the Biostat department retreat ---- how young faculty survive at Hopkins. It was like Francesca falling down outside of Scott's office. :)))))))) Next time when you see me, I will be much slimer than I am, and with wrinkles all over my face.
星期日, 六月 26, 2005
beautiful clothes
前天给老叶打电话时刚刚批评过伦敦人穿衣服邋遢,好多地铁上的伦敦人穿得破破烂烂的,让人看了觉得一星期没洗澡的样子。美国人虽然土儿,没啥fashion,可好歹大家都还干净整洁的,不会让人看了不舒服。不过今天去逛了market之后对伦敦的印象分又回升了几点。在美国的时候觉得mall里的衣服都极其难看,白给都不要的,所以很少有逛街的兴致。今天跑去liverpool station旁边的一个market,里面的风格和国内的自由市场好象!衣服有很多很好看的,太有得可逛了。不过这下儿开始担心自己的钱包,本来就是穷光蛋一个,没有逛街的兴致的时候还好,这下儿发现了逛街的乐趣,以后可怎么的了!:(((((((((
星期二, 六月 21, 2005
I want to be a house wife!
I started working a week ago. Since my supervisor is on travel, I had a really relaxing start off. During the whole week, the only important thing I did was to meet people, say hi, smile, shake hands, go out for coffee together, ask people's names and then forget them right away.
Things started to change since yesterday. I went to the first group meeting yesterday. There were quite some discussions that I couldn't follow, including macros people use, protocal discussions, ethical issues, etc etc. That was fine, cause I told myself those were issues specific to cinical trials. People should understand that I have no experience in this area and will surely pardon me and give me time to pick up. Then I went back home happily. However, things keep getting worse. I went to a workshop today where people discussed data analysis problems emerged from some of the ongoing projects in the school. Those were dichotomous outcome with correlations embedded in typical (I guess) clinical trial design. They were discussing about pros and cons of GEE, simple logistic regression, aggregation aproach, ..... I got really depressed. Since I could do nothing except asking questions during the whole workshop. I could resort to the excuse of not being familiar with clinical trial again. But I guess there should be a point to stop, so that this excuse is not abused. This is the time when I "regret" that I shouldn't have decided to leave Bioinformatics after graduation and start to learn a totally different topic.
Such kind of moments have come and gone for quite a few times. It happens everytime I start at a new place, moving from suburban to city, going to high school, going to college, coming abroad, transfering to another program, starting at a new job. For the last couple of times, it had come with no exception, and gone after I had some short or long period of struggle, with no exception either though. At those moments, I had always thought whether there was another way to get out, but without having to suffer the pain of reborn. Right now, I want to be a house wife. It might go away again after a while, but I want to write down this long lasted wish before I start to look down at it again.
Things started to change since yesterday. I went to the first group meeting yesterday. There were quite some discussions that I couldn't follow, including macros people use, protocal discussions, ethical issues, etc etc. That was fine, cause I told myself those were issues specific to cinical trials. People should understand that I have no experience in this area and will surely pardon me and give me time to pick up. Then I went back home happily. However, things keep getting worse. I went to a workshop today where people discussed data analysis problems emerged from some of the ongoing projects in the school. Those were dichotomous outcome with correlations embedded in typical (I guess) clinical trial design. They were discussing about pros and cons of GEE, simple logistic regression, aggregation aproach, ..... I got really depressed. Since I could do nothing except asking questions during the whole workshop. I could resort to the excuse of not being familiar with clinical trial again. But I guess there should be a point to stop, so that this excuse is not abused. This is the time when I "regret" that I shouldn't have decided to leave Bioinformatics after graduation and start to learn a totally different topic.
Such kind of moments have come and gone for quite a few times. It happens everytime I start at a new place, moving from suburban to city, going to high school, going to college, coming abroad, transfering to another program, starting at a new job. For the last couple of times, it had come with no exception, and gone after I had some short or long period of struggle, with no exception either though. At those moments, I had always thought whether there was another way to get out, but without having to suffer the pain of reborn. Right now, I want to be a house wife. It might go away again after a while, but I want to write down this long lasted wish before I start to look down at it again.
星期六, 六月 18, 2005
OK, it's weekend. I went out to do some shopping. This is the famous Oxford street. The only thing I want to say is things are EXPENSIVE here! I crushed my glasses on the first price tag I checked out. An ugly china cup costs 6 pounds!! With this money I could buy more than 2 dozen of the same cups in China!! No way, I will definitely save the shopping here and go back home to check off my shopping list!!
Aha, this is the third day la! Here is my office. See the phone was already there before I went to the office, but it didn't ring. The ID besides the laptop also works as a security pass in the building. No kidding, I have to wear it anywhere I go at the school, even if to the restroom on another floor. On the beginning, I thought people here were too serious. However, my colleague told me thieves in London are quite professional and they have excellent reputation for what they do. This reminded me there is a whole section which talks about pocket pickers in London in the travel guide to UK that pangzi gave me. In addition, my officemate's experince came just in time to teach me how bad it could be. He lost two of his credit cards within 3 days. The second one was lost exactly on the first day I came to the school. Now even as careless as I am, I have been always watching out my bag in the subway, on the street, during shopping, ......... :(((( I am so tired of it!!!
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